Fiber Diet with Lose Weight

Fiber Diet

Lose Weight with Fiber Diet

Human interest in health and fiber-rich foods started a long time ago. In 430 B.C, Hippocrates described the laxative effects of whole wheat as a slow digestion and the gathering of waste products for discharge. Fiber Diet . When the discharge has taken place, there will be health. [Hippocrates, Volume 8, Hippocrates,William Henry Samuel Jones,Paul Potter]

During the 1920s, the makers of Graham crackers denounced the harmful effects of diets high in carbohydrates. Right after, Kellogg campaigned extensively on the benefits of bran, claiming that fiber can prevent some diseases and can help reduce excess weight.

According to a study on the relation between dietary fiber and weight gain among the middle-aged, people who consumed more whole grains are healthier in weight than those who consumed less. [Liu: Relation Between Changes in Intakes of Dietary Fiber and Grain products and Changes in Weight, S Liu, FB Hu – The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,]

Why a Fiber-filled Diet?

High-fiber foods have healthy and fewer calories compared to other foods.  Nutritionist Tanya Zuckerbrot, the creator of The F-Factor Diet™ believes that natural fiber can help one lose weight without hunger. Fiber requires longer chewing time so one is less likely to overeat and more likely to lose weight. Fiber-high diets can keep one’s appetite at bay, promoting weight loss.

Researchers in the University of Texas studied the diet differences of 100 people of the same age and height, half of whom were of normal weight, and the other half were over the normal weight. The researchers found that their diets were similar in many ways except for the amount of fiber consumed. Those adults of normal weight consumed 33% more dietary fiber and 43% more complex carbohydrates.

A good diet of soluble can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reducing one’s risk of diabetes and heart disease. One can find soluble fibers in apples, barley, beans and oats. On the other hand, the fibers found in wheat bran, nuts and in vegetables acts as laxatives in the intestines, preventing bloating and constipation.

How a Fiber Factor Diet Promotes Weight Loss

How fiber can promote weight loss? Regular fiber consumption can help prevent obesity. (Slavin, 2005)

Fiber is the indigestible part of a food. Foods high in fiber need to be chewed for longer. The chewingprocess limits food intake and promotes secretion of more saliva and gastric juice, resulting in an expansion of the stomach and increased satiety.  Since fiber cannot be broken, it acts as a sponge agent.

As fiber moves through the digestive track, it absorbs carbohydrate, fat, and sugar, lessening absorption to the small intestine. Fiber carries excess calories and nutrients out of the body, in so doing the chances of an individual to become fat are reduced.

Ideally, fiber intake should range from 25 to 40 grams per day. Men age 50 and below are recommended to take 38 grams of fiber every day and 30 grams for those age 51 and above. This amount of fiber intake can help lower the risk of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, and obesity.

Fibers are simple and flavorful foods that are good for one’s health. High-fiber foods such as beans, legumes, and grains work well in many recipes. Likewise, a good amount of fiber can be obtained from one serving of brown rice and couple of slices of great-tasting, nutritious multigrain bread. Likewise, fruits and vegetables contain pectin, the most effective dietary fiber components .

Fiber Diet

Fiber Diet is the Secret to Long-term Weight Loss

Life without sufficient fiber intake can make one incredibly overweight and always craving food. According to Edward Saltzman, M.D., director of the Obesity Center at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, “Fiber can help with weight loss because it increases the sensation of fullness, and influences the hormones that regulate food intake.” [Article: Fiber: The Secret to Weight Loss© 2006-2010]

Begin a weight loss by adding fiber-rich foods like all-bran cereal, fiber-rich spinach, whole-meal brown bread, and fruits and vegetables to your diet. The fiber-filled diet can also increase one’s energy and good cholesterol level. According to Edward Saltzman, M.D., director of the Obesity Center at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, “Fiber can help with weight loss because it increases the sensation of fullness, and influences the hormones that regulate food intake.” [Article: Fiber: The Secret to Weight Loss© 2006-2010]

There are many diet and fitness plans that one can take on to lose those excess pounds. However, nothing comes close to the efficacy of a fiber-filled diet. A diet high in fiber helps you lose belly fat first with tasty meals, and desserts included. Fiber-rich foods will make one feel better, look better, and live better.


The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss by Tanya Zuckerbrot , Relation Between Changes in Intakes of Dietary Fiber and Grain and Changes in Weight and Development of Obesity among Middle-age, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 78, No. 5, 920-927 © 2003 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
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