The holiday eating tips

holiday eating tips

holiday eating tipsThe holiday season is filled with cheer

holiday eating tips The holiday season is filled with cheer, shopping, music and gift giving. In addition to these things, it also pays specific attention to good food and drinks. You cannot go to a function without cookies, eggnog or gingerbread houses being the focus. The time between gravy-laden Thanksgiving and New Years is a food and beverage filled five weeks!

While there are the 12 Days of Christmas, this year there are the 35 days of eating and drinking during the holiday season. How to avoid entering 2010 without a much loathed stomach pooch or enlarged thighs is on all of our minds. Below are a few recommendations on how to avoid the Christmas growth:

holiday eating tips Set up a game plan

Skipping breakfast may seem like a good idea if you know you are going to a party that evening, but it only tends to lead to binges and overeating. Eat a light breakfast with a good amount of fiber such as oatmeal. Eat a light lunch such as half a sandwich (turkey on wheat is a great option) with a light broth based soup.

• If you are hungry, eat a small snack before heading out to an event. This could be a small cup of soup or a piece of toast with cheese. Anything to avoid you arriving at the party starving and bee-lining for the appetizers!

• When at a party, walk around and peruse your choices.

holiday eating tips That way you won’t fill up your plate and then think, “Oh, I want to try that too!” After scoping out the landscape, go back and select a small portion of three different items. Make sure these are things that you love and are things you don’t normally get to eat.

• Watch what you drink! This a is important for multiple reasons. First, those drinks are loaded with calories and sometimes fat. Eggnog and holiday punches can carry a shocking number of calories. Opt for drinks mixed with diet soda, wine or seltzer. Also, the more alcoholic drinks you have, the more likely you are to overeat. You don’t want to forget about your eating game plan due to one too many Hotty Toddies, right?