Burn Belly Fat with These Foods
Burn Belly Fat Food. Many Americans are waging a personal war against obesity, which continues as a leading threat to the overall health and well being of millions. Obesity contributes to a twofold increase in the risk of heart attack, diabetes and certain cancers, by increasing inflammation in the body.
Due largely to an exceedingly high sugar and refined carbohydrate diet, many people store fat in the belly. This is known as visceral fat which releases chemical messengers throughout the body when in excess. In an attempt to gain control, the body fights back by mounting an inflammatory response, increasing disease risk as a consequence.
The best way to lose weight is through a calorie-reduced, healthful diet, stress management and adequate physical activity. Fortunately there are a number of foods which help by increasing metabolism and stimulating the release of stored fat. These are essential ingredients for weight loss by targeting belly fat.
Burn Belly Fat Food. Eat Green to Lose Weight Naturally
The most important category of food for those looking to drop weight quickly is raw, dark green and leafy vegetables. Burn Belly Fat Food. They are extremely low in calories and fill you up quickly. The best part is that they release sugar into the bloodstream very slowly, so excess glucose does not convert to triglycerides and on to fat storage.
The core of any weight loss diet should include large helpings of vegetables such as spinach, spring mix, cucumbers, onions, broccoli and cauliflower. Limit tomatoes and fruits as they are high in sugar and can impede the fat release process.
Choose Lean Meats and Unprocessed Fats
lose weight and burn belly fat with these foods Lose Weight and Burn Belly Fat with These Foods Lean meat protein sources such as turkey and chicken require additional energy to be metabolized by the body. Burn Belly Fat Food. When eaten in moderation, they will trigger the full signal, meaning you stop eating sooner. For best weight loss results, limit calories from meat sources to no more than 10% of the daily total. Many people consume excessive amounts of protein which can lead to digestive problems and metabolic disorders in later life.