Diet Tips

Diet Tips

There are so many weight loss diet books out there 

Diet Tips. it’s hard to know which diet to follow. Low fat, low carb, high protein which one to pick?

We hear a lot about low carb diet programs these days. Diet Tips.  Do they work? Yes. Are they hard to stick with? Yes! Most people who start a low carb diet eventually quit. It’s hard to keep our carb consumption down toBoth the Atkins diet and the Southbeach diet tell you to go through a period (1 – 3 weeks) of carb consumption of 20 grams a day or less. At that level, you have to watch the labels of everything you eat for fear of a few extra carbs creeping in.

The purpose of this induction phase is to rapidly re-channel your body from burning sugars as its preferred fuel source to fat as its preferred fuel source. Diet Tips. The induction phase can be very difficult with participants feeling lethargic, shaky, headache prone and diet tips. The reason is the sharp metabolic turnaround these low carb diets are after.

The induction phase also sends the human body into a state of ketosis which can be hard on the kidneys.Look, the problem of eating too many carbohydrates is; if more than your body’s metabolic needs are consumed,, any fat consumed at that time will also be converted to fat. Insulin levels are raised which turns on the conveyor belt to our fat cells.Limiting carbs at each meal to 20 grams or less while consuming a balanced or higher amount of protein grams (protein increases your body’s metabolic burn rate) and not going overboard with fat will lead to safe, there are a few basic principles that can be followed to construct a sound, healthy, and most importantly, effective low diet tips.


Diet tips


Calorie consumption and the ratio of protein by diet tips

Calories do count. However, too few calories can reduce your metabolic rate and low calorie diets should be avoided.You need sufficient protein to build muscle mass, keep skin, hear and nails at their best and feed your brain. Protein also increases your body’s metabolic burn rate provided that you don’t consume more than 40 grams per meal.Carbohydrates are not inherently bad. Fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. Excess consumption of refined carbs in the form of breads, cereals, crackers, cookies and more, however, will lead to fat gain.Fat consumption is not inherently bad. Consumption of some fats is essential to good health and weight loss by diet tips. Consumption of any hydrogenated fat is bad for your arteries and your weight loss program.Frequent modest sized meals are better for weight loss than a few large meals.

Most importantly, one ‘size’ does not fit all. t lean body mass and physical activity. Two people who are the same height and weight may have significantly different caloric needs if one is 19% body fat .8 – .9 grams per pound of bodyweight or 120 – 135 grams of protein per day. Try to apportion your protein consumption to be increments of 15 – 35 grams per meal. This means that more than three meals a day are required. (You may find it convenient to supplement your protein consumption with Accelerate Ultra Whey protein shakes.)

If you are looking to drop weight quickly

Carbohydrate consumption should be limited. That said, the 20 gram per day carb suggestions put forth in some diets to send your body into ketosis are not healthy. Most of the weight loss you get from the first two weeks on those diets is just water weight loss and diet tips. Also, the body is more likely to cannibalize itself (reduce precious muscle mass) when in a state of ketosis. We recommend that you eat 75 – 100 grams of carbs per day if sedentary or if you wish to lose weight more quickly. If you are fairly active, increase that number to 150 grams or more per day. Do not eat more than 25 grams of carb at any one meal. Eat the majority of your carbohydrates before 7PM each day.

Your carb consumption should be of fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g., beans and lentils) and very limited portions of unrefined grains (e.g., old fashioned oatmeal or barley in soup). Target 25 – 30 grams of fiber a day. You are probably not consuming anywhere near 25 grams of fiber a day now, so you need to increase the fiber consumption over a period of 1-2 weeks so your time to accommodate the increase.

Based on your desire to lose weight, consume between 60 and 125 grams of fats per day. Do incorporate healthy fats wherever possible., olive oil, grape seed oil, and oils found in many cold water fish such as salmon. Try not to consume hydrogenated fats (such as margarine).

Pre-packaged foods often use hydrogenated fats

Avoid fructose, a sweetener used in a lot of pre-packaged foods whenever possible. Diet Tips. Some research supports the claim that fructose may indirectly lead to weight gain.Drink one ounce of water for each pound of body weight. For many of us this would be a gallon or more of water a day. The increased water will help keep hunger pangs away, flush out toxins and help your body deal with the increased protein and fiber you will be consuming.

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